Final boarding call

This is our last day together, Sydney.
Let's not say goodbye just yet.
Let's sit and hold hands by the jacarandas,
Let's dance like God himself planned this.
I was always going to leave you, dear.
My staying here would be a murder suicide
A 9 to 5 desk job would rob me blind
But let's not talk such crimes on a day as fine as this one.

I know you've been crying, dear.
Your tears still stain the treetops.
Please stop,
It's not that I won't miss you.
We were just never meant to be
Monogamy ..
well, it never really suited me in the first place.

Let's not waste these last moments.
Let's pack Vegemite sandwiches
and run away to all our secret spots,
listen as cicadas sing me a proper send-off,
set off fireworks in Darling Harbour like it's New Years Eve
not just another year in which I leave you.

The countdown has begun, Sydney.
It's time to make your resolutions.
Swear you won't forget me.
After all, you were my first love.

Time turners.

The idea of seconds has never sat well with me.
Second rate, second chance, 
even first place ties
have always just reminded me 
of the seconds passing by.

Losing time, is a big fear of mine.

So much so 
clocks have never lasted long in our home.
Their hands fell at those of feathers
bearing down on them like firearms.
Sometimes it's hard,
to hear anything but menace in their heart beat
when once we were naive enough
we heard it as hope.